Your Geotourism Score = _______
D) 13 to 26 – You will need an Asset Assessment to Identify Geotourism assets in your region
C) 26 to 39 – You have some principles working in your favor, but may need to enroll more of your community
B) 39 to 52 – Ready to develop the connections you have
A) 52 to 65 – Excellent job! May benefit from new ways to PROMOTE and SUSTAIN.
D) 13 to 26 – You will need an Asset Assessment to Identify Geotourism assets in your region
C) 26 to 39 – You have some principles working in your favor, but may need to enroll more of your community
B) 39 to 52 – Ready to develop the connections you have
A) 52 to 65 – Excellent job! May benefit from new ways to PROMOTE and SUSTAIN.
What is Geotourism:
Who is doing it well:
How to create Geotourism Adventures:
In order to build more local fluency, we converted our Tahoe Geotourism Expo into a learn-by-doing curriculum below. Please review the DRAFT Geotourism Course and let us know how it might serve your individual, business or resort mgt. needs. We look forward to your feedback
In order to build more local fluency, we converted our Tahoe Geotourism Expo into a learn-by-doing curriculum below. Please review the DRAFT Geotourism Course and let us know how it might serve your individual, business or resort mgt. needs. We look forward to your feedback
DRAFT Geotourism CourseThanks to all who hosted and participated during the Stewardship Congress and the 4 Tahoe Expositions of Stewardship that lead by example (Tahoe Expo).
This course represents the next phase of our mission to help the region more fully realize sustainable economic, environmental and social prosperity. |
We are a 501 (C) 3 educational organization facilitating the adoption of tourism that sustains or enhances a destinations unique assets.